Municipalities (kommuner) are the atomic unit of local government in Norway and are responsible for:
- childcare (barnehage) services
- primary education (until 10th grade) (skole og utdanning)
- before and after school care (skolefritidsordning – SFO)
- outpatient health services (fastlege og legevakt)
- health and social services (helse- og sosialtjenester)
- zone parking and parking halls (sone parkering og parkeringshus)
- unemployment and other social services
- zoning
- economic development
- building and property management (bolig, bygg og eiendom)
- culture and sports (kultur, fritid og idrett)
- recycling and waste (natur, miljø, renovasjon og avfall)
- traffic and municipal roads (trafikk, reiser og samferdsel)