

International Preschools in Norway

Deutsche Schule Oslo – Max Tau (The German School)

Frogner International Preschool

International Montessori Pre-School

Kongsberg International School and Preschool

Lycée français René Cassin (The French School)

Oslo International School

International Schools

Deutsche Schule Oslo – Max Tau (The German School)
Offers preschool through to high school.

Kongsberg International School
Offers preschool (from 3 yrs) through to high school. Offers the International Baccalaureate programme.

Lycée français René Cassin (The French School)

Oslo International School
Offers preschool (from 3 yrs) to high school. Offers the International Baccalaureate programme.

Asker International School
Grades 1-10

Northern Lights International School
Grades 1-10.  The school implements the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP). NLIS is currently registered as a PYP candidate school, working to become a fully authorized IB world school in the upcoming years.

Norwegian high schools offering the International Baccalaureate programme

Blindern Videregående Skole (Blindern High School)

Lillestrøm videregående skole (Lillestrøm High School)

Nesbru videregående skole (Nesbru High School)

Ås videregående skole (Ås High School)


BI – Norwegian Business School

Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (University of South-Eastern Norway)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences)

Universitetet i Oslo (University of Oslo)

Language Classes

Institutions offering Norwegian Language Classes



Lingu Norwegian

Oslo Adult Education/Oslo Voksenopplæring (Oslo VO)

University of Oslo

This list is not exhaustive. Do check with your or your partner’s company – they may include Norwegian language classes in your employment package. Also check with your local municipality (kommune) for more information on language schools.